samedi 24 mars 2018

Diorama Card Series - Wedding in Hawaii

Hey there,

Today I'm back with a new diorama featuring supplies from Craftin Desert Divas. This month mood board is about weddings so I thought a little ceremony scene at sunset would be nice ^^

I first started by cutting the elements to build the base. All the measurements are noted in the video. Then I applied different colors of distress inks on the big panel to create the sunset sky. To add more details, I cut the top of it using a scalloped border die.

Then I die cut more elements to build the scene: the arch was made using an inside scalloped circle and an inside scalloped rectangle and was colored using two shades of brown distress inks, two sand borders that I colored using brown shades and one ocean border that I colored using two shades of blue distress inks.

I also die cut elements to build a flower that I colored using pink color, and two leaves that I colored in green.

Next step: assemble everything. I attached the insert pieces on the left side on my big panel and folded down the right side to finalize and close the diorama. Then I attached all the elements: the ocean and sand borders on the insert pieces, the arch and the happy couple. Applied clear glitter on the flowers, and attached some birds in the background to finish the card.

Below or here


- Zig markers
- Distress inks: mustard seed, spiced marmalade, picked raspberry, chipped sapphire, peacock feathers, chipped sapphire, antique linen, vintage photo, ground espresso, mowed lawn
- Bristol smooth cardstock from Strathmore
- White cardstock from HobbyCraft
- Black cardstock from Hobbycraft

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